saveItem - RPA
saveItem (locator) - Download images from cache
SaveItem | Locator copies the element (usually an image) from the browser cache. The element is defined by the locator. The difference between this command and storeImage is that SaveItem copies the original image from the cache while storeImage takes a screenshot of the element.
If you need the extract text from the the image(s) that you download with "storeImage" or "saveItem", use OCRExtractScreenshot.
Works in
Ui.Vision RPA for Chrome Selenium IDE, Ui.Vision RPA for Firefox Selenium IDE, Firefox IDE Classic
Related Demo Macros
Demo-Autofill, Demo-Frame
The ready-to-import-and-run source code of all demo macros can be found in the Open-Source RPA software Github repository.
See also
storeAttribute, storedVars, storeEval, storeText, storeTitle, storeValue, Web Automation Extension User Manual, Selenium IDE commands, Classic Firefox Selenium IDE.
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