storeTitle (target, pattern) - Selenium IDE command

The storeTitle command stores the title of current opened software web application in a variable.

A similar command from the old Firefox is "storeLocation". It is useful to store current selected window's URL. This command can be recreated in the Ui.Vision RPA IDE by using store | ${!URL} | myurl or simply using the ${!URL} built-in variable directly in your software test cases.

For more information about data extraction in general see Web Scraping with Selenium IDE.

storeTitle Example

Command Target Pattern/Text
storeTitle mytitle
echo The page title is ${mytitle}

Works in

Ui.Vision RPA for Chrome Selenium IDE, Ui.Vision RPA for Firefox Selenium IDE, Firefox IDE Classic

Related Demo Macros


The ready-to-import-and-run source code of all demo macros can be found in the Open-Source RPA software Github repository.

See also

storeText, Web Automation Extension User Manual, Selenium IDE commands, Classic Firefox Selenium IDE.

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<em>Ui.Vision RPA</em> Selenium IDE for Chrome and Firefox - Web Test Automation

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