pause - Selenium IDE
pause (time in milliseconds) - Selenium IDE command
The pause command is a simple wait command and useful to delay the execution of the automated testing for the specified time. Note that the wait time is in MILLIseconds. So if you want to wait for 3 seconds, enter 3000.
Special feature: If you use pause | 0 or
simply pause without any number then the execution pauses until
the user clicks the RESUME button.
Pause Example
In this example the Selenium IDE will wait for five seconds (5000ms).
Command | Target | Pattern/Text |
open | | |
pause | 5000 | |
open | |
Works in
Ui.Vision RPA for Chrome Selenium IDE, Ui.Vision RPA for Firefox Selenium IDE, Firefox IDE Classic
Related Demo Macros
Demo-Autofill, Demo-Frame
The ready-to-import-and-run source code of all demo macros can be found in the Open-Source RPA software Github repository.
See also
Web Automation Extension User Manual, Selenium IDE commands, Classic Firefox Selenium IDE.
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