aiPrompt | attachment1#attachment2#prompt... | var1

The aiPrompt command uses the Anthropic "Claude" model. According to our testing, it is the best model for computer automation at the moment. Support for Gemini and ChatGPT is planned, if we get enough requests for them in forum.

The usage is aiPrompt | image1.png#image2.png#prompt... | var1. You can attach up to two images to your prompt. That is useful e. g. for comparing images. If you want to send a screenshot, use the "__last_desktop_screenshot.png" or "__last_screenshot.png" files. But for finding coordinates on screenshots better use the aiScreenXY command.

Example Prompts

To get started, see the new Prompt_ParseHTML and Prompt_CompareImages macros or search our user forum for the tag "prompting".

Anthropic Claude and Computer Use Demo macros
Test Computer Use and other AI commands with the demo macros.

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