RPA 2019: Automation Anywhere Pricing
Finding the pricing for tools like UiPath or Automation Anywhere (AA) has become tedious and time consuming. Our sales team has been spending time gathering these details. In this post we publish the what we know about the Automation Anywhere license costs.
Automation Anywhere was founded as Tethys Solutions in 2003 by Ankur Kothari, Mihir Shukla, and Neeti Mehta. In 2010, it was rebranded to become Automation Anywhere. Automation Anywhere is an enterprise-focused RPA provider that uses software robots, aka bots, to automate business processes that have never been automated by traditional technology platforms. The company combines cognitive automation and analytics to automate manually managed processes and to improve productivity and business process accuracy.
Mystery: How much does Automation Anywhere (AA) cost?
We have been trying to get the exact pricing of Automation Anywhere but had no success so far.
Can someone help us with the cost of Automation Anywhere for the following, that would be great. If you have the data, please let us know and we will update the blog post.
- Automation Anywhere cost per bot
- Automation Anywhere cost for small business
- Automation Anywhere IQ Bot cost (per IQ bot)
- Automation Anywhere Bot Insight cost
- Automation Anywhere Bot Farm cost
From the rumors found on the internet (e. g. Quora), a the developer license would be $5,000. But the production license for Automation Anywhere could be around $20,000.
Though these license prices might change as and when the companies feels like changing, this will give you at least a rough idea about the price of doing robotic process automation (RPA) with Automation Anywhere.
RPA Market Overview
For more blog posts of our RPA Market Overview series please see
- Automation Anywhere Pricing (this post)
- UIPath Pricing
- UIPath vs Automation Anywhere
- UIPath vs Blue Prism
- AutoHotKey vs AutoIT
- Sikuli vs AutoHotKey
- Selenium IDE vs Katalon vs Kantu
Planned future reviews: Cognizant, Contextor (acquired by SAP), Kofax, Kryon Systems, NICE Systems, Pegasystems and WorkFusion.