RPA Software V8 released

RPA Software V8 released

The RPA software release V8 includes two major parts:

Updated Open-Source RPA Core

We have updated and rewritten large parts of the UI Vision RPA core to add “Chrome Manifest V3” support. Technical details aside, what this means is that the new RPA version supports the latest Chrome and Edge extension standards, and is future proof. Google will “turn off” all older “Manifest V2” extensions in early 2023, but you can now rest assurred that Ui Vision Selenium IDE++ will keep on automating, clicking and typing.

New XModule with local OCR support

The latest UI.Vision XModule brings integrated OCR support. This RPA OCR runs 100% local. It is fast and works on offline machines without Internet connection. XModules local OCR is currently available for Windows and Mac. Linux local OCR support is planned.

Try it out! This feature will change the way you automate.

Example: Often you want to click a certain word a complex website. Sounds simple, or? But with most other tools you have learn how to deal with changing element IDs and changing XPath. Some other tools allow you also click based on x/y coordinates, and a few support visual automation with image search like UI Vision does. But no other tool has direct support for clicking on text. So instead of

Click | xpath=//*[@id="step1_form"]/div/div/div/div/select

You can simply write

Xclick | ocr=Login

=> Web automation & web testing was never easier.