Hi! Meet the Kantu Browser.

Hi! Meet the Kantu Browser.

Today we announce the launch of the Kantu Web Automation Browser V1. Kantu reimagines web automation.

Kantu takes advantage of the recent advances in computer vision and OCRrock-stable web automation with screenshots. At the same time, Kantu is high-level and simple: a new user is able to automate their first web page within minutes of downloading Kantu. Kantu works on the rendered website image, just like a human does. Leave DOM, xpath, css selectors to the web developers. And even if you are a web developer – Kantu gives you a break while it tests your code.

“Other” tools are all working on the so-called document-object model (DOM) and require you to fiddle with Javascript, CSS, HTML, etc to write a successful test script. But even if you have these skills, wouldn’t you rather use them and your time to create the application, and not debugging and testing the test automation scripts themselves?